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Quillo Potato Chips White Truffle 130g

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An intense ini­tial aro­ma accom­pa­nied by a dis­tin­guished fla­vour from the best white truf­fles in a soft after­taste. These chips are a real plea­sure for the palate. - These gourmet crisps are pre­sent­ed in a fab­u­lous Span­ish-style! First­ly, they are hand fried at a low tem­per­a­ture in olive oil to deliv­er a flavour­some crunch. After that they are del­i­cate­ly flavoured with nat­u­ral­ly-har­vest­ed sea-salt crys­tals (‘Flor de Sal’) and its spices, respec­tive to the fla­vour they represent. - Wine pairings: The deca­dent White Truf­fle chips are the gold stan­dard snack paired with Cham­pagne. The chips are scent­ed, rich and salty, match­ing Champagne’s com­plex­i­ty, toast­ed nut­ty flavours, and siz­zling acidity.



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